How to List a Contract Position on Your Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you unsure of how to list a contract position on your resume? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many job seekers struggle with including contract work on their resumes, but it doesn’t have to be a challenge. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about listing a contract position on your resume and how it can benefit your job search.

When it comes to resumes, one of the common pain points job seekers face is how to showcase their contract positions. Contract work can be seen as less stable or less valuable compared to full-time employment. However, this is not the case. Contract positions can provide valuable experience, skills, and connections that can greatly enhance your resume and make you stand out to potential employers.

So, how exactly do you list a contract position on your resume? Firstly, ensure that you clearly indicate that the position was a contract role. This can be done by including the word “contract” or “freelance” next to your job title and company name. For example:

how to list a contract position on resume


In summary, when listing a contract position on your resume, remember to clearly indicate that it was a contract role by including the word “contract” or “freelance” next to the job title and company name. Highlight the skills and accomplishments you gained from your contract work, and show how they relate to the job you are applying for. Don’t downplay contract work – instead, showcase it as a valuable experience that sets you apart from other candidates.

How to List a Contract Position on Resume

Listing a contract position on your resume can be a bit different from listing a traditional full-time role. Here’s how you can effectively include your contract work:

1. Clearly indicate it was a contract position: Use the word “contract” or “freelance” next to the job title and company name to make it clear that it was not a permanent, full-time role.

2. Highlight the skills gained: Emphasize the skills and accomplishments you gained from your contract work. This can include specific projects, clients you worked with, or any notable achievements.

3. Showcase relevance: Show how your contract work relates to the job you are applying for. Demonstrate how the skills you acquired in your contract role make you a strong candidate for the position.

4. Include the duration: Mention the start and end dates of your contract position. This provides transparency and shows that you have experience working within a limited timeframe.

Now that you know how to list a contract position on your resume, it’s time to start incorporating this valuable experience into your job search. Don’t underestimate the impact of contract work – it can set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate your versatility and adaptability to potential employers.

History and Myth of How to List a Contract Position on Resume

The history of listing contract positions on resumes dates back several decades. In the past, contract work was often seen as a temporary or less stable form of employment. However, with the rise of the gig economy and increased demand for flexible work arrangements, contract positions have become more prevalent and accepted in today’s job market.

Despite this shift, there are still some myths surrounding how to list a contract position on a resume. One common myth is that contract work is less valuable than full-time employment. This is simply not true. Contract work can provide valuable experience, new skill development, and exposure to different industries and projects.

Another myth is that including contract work on a resume may give the impression that a candidate is unreliable or lacks commitment. However, employers are increasingly recognizing the value of contract work and the skills it can bring to a role. It’s important to highlight the specific skills and accomplishments gained from your contract positions to showcase your expertise and dedication.

The Hidden Secret of How to List a Contract Position on Resume

The hidden secret of how to list a contract position on your resume lies in the details. When including contract work, it’s essential to highlight the specific skills and achievements gained from each role. This helps potential employers understand the value you can bring to their organization.

Another secret is to tailor your resume for each job application. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific role you are applying for. This shows employers that you have the qualifications they are looking for and increases your chances of getting an interview.

Recommendation for How to List a Contract Position on Resume

When listing a contract position on your resume, it’s important to follow these recommendations:

1. Clearly indicate it was a contract role: Use the word “contract” or “freelance” next to the job title and company name.

2. Highlight the skills gained: Emphasize the specific skills and accomplishments acquired during your contract work.

3. Show relevance: Demonstrate how your contract work relates to the job you are applying for, and how it makes you a strong candidate.

4. Tailor your resume: Customize your resume for each job application, focusing on the skills and experiences most relevant to the specific role.

How to List a Contract Position on Resume and Related Keywords

When it comes to keywords related to listing a contract position on your resume, some important ones to consider are:

– Contract position

– Freelance work

– Temporary role

– Project-based employment

– Independent contractor

– Duration of contract

– Client-based work

– Skills gained from contract work

– Relevance to the job

– Adaptability

Tips for How to List a Contract Position on Resume

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when listing a contract position on your resume:

1. Be honest and transparent: Clearly indicate that it was a contract position, including the duration and any specific projects or clients you worked with.

2. Quantify achievements: Whenever possible, include specific metrics or achievements to demonstrate the impact of your contract work.

3. Use action verbs: Use strong action verbs when describing your responsibilities and accomplishments in your contract positions. This helps to make your resume stand out and shows your proactive approach.

4. Tailor your resume for each application: Customize your resume to highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific job you are applying for.

FAQs about How to List a Contract Position on Resume

Q: Should I include all my contract positions on my resume?

A: It’s generally recommended to include only the most relevant and recent contract positions on your resume. Focus on the ones that showcase your skills and achievements related to the job you are applying for.

Q: How do I explain gaps between contract positions on my resume?

A: Gaps between contract positions can be explained by mentioning any additional training, freelance work, or personal projects you may have undertaken during that time. Highlight any relevant skills or experiences gained during the gap period.

Q: Can I include contract work under my employment history on my resume?

A: Yes, you can include contract work under your employment history section. Just make sure to clearly indicate it was a contract position and include the duration and any relevant details.

Q: Do employers view contract work negatively?

A: The perception of contract work has shifted in recent years, and many employers now value the skills and adaptability gained from contract positions. Focus on highlighting the specific skills and achievements gained from your contract work to showcase its value.

In Conclusion

Listing a contract position on your resume doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the tips and recommendations outlined in this article, you can effectively showcase your contract work and highlight its value to potential employers. Remember to tailor your resume for each job application, focusing on the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific role. By doing so, you’ll increase your chances of landing your dream job. Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you again soon!