Where Do You Put Internships on a Resume: A Guide to Highlighting Your Experience

Do you ever wonder where to put your internships on a resume? Are you unsure if it should come before or after your work experience? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many job seekers struggle with this issue, as internships can be an important part of their professional development. In this blog post, we will discuss the best place to showcase your internships on a resume and provide some tips on how to effectively highlight this experience.

When it comes to where to put internships on a resume, the answer is simple – they should be included in the “Experience” section. This section typically follows the “Education” section and is where you list your previous job roles and responsibilities. Consider your internships as valuable work experience and treat them as such on your resume. They are a great way to demonstrate your skills and show potential employers that you have real-world experience.

where do you put internships on a resume

Source www.pinterest.com

Now that we know where to put internships on a resume, let’s summarize the main points. Internships should be included in the “Experience” section, just like any other job. Treat them as valuable work experience and highlight the skills and responsibilities you gained during your internship. This will show potential employers that you have relevant experience and can contribute to their organization.

Where Do You Put Internships on a Resume – Personal Experience

I recently completed an internship at a marketing agency, and I found a great way to showcase this experience on my resume. I listed it as I would any other job, mentioning the agency’s name, my position, and the duration of the internship. In the bullet points underneath, I highlighted the key responsibilities I had and the skills I acquired, such as social media management and data analysis. This approach allowed me to effectively convey the value of my internship experience to potential employers.

What is Where Do You Put Internships on a Resume?

Where do you put internships on a resume refers to the section of your resume where you list your internships. As mentioned earlier, this section is typically called “Experience” and should include any relevant work experience, including internships. It is important to include this information because it demonstrates your ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings and shows your commitment to professional growth.

History and Myth of Where Do You Put Internships on a Resume

There is no specific history or myth surrounding where to put internships on a resume. It is simply a question of organizing your resume in a way that effectively showcases your experience and skills. However, some people may mistakenly believe that internships should be listed separately from other work experience or treated as less valuable. This is not the case. Internships should be included in the “Experience” section and given the same level of importance as any other job.

The Hidden Secret of Where Do You Put Internships on a Resume

The hidden secret of where to put internships on a resume is to focus on the skills and responsibilities you gained during your internship. While internships may not always be directly related to the job you are applying for, they still provide valuable transferable skills. Highlighting these skills can make your resume stand out to potential employers. Additionally, if you completed any notable projects or achieved specific results during your internship, be sure to include them to showcase your achievements.

Recommendation of Where Do You Put Internships on a Resume

Based on my experience and research, it is recommended to include your internships in the “Experience” section of your resume. This allows you to showcase your internships as valuable work experience and demonstrate your skills to potential employers. Start by listing the name of the company or organization you interned with, followed by your position and the duration of the internship. Then, use bullet points to highlight your responsibilities, achievements, and skills gained during the internship.

Where Do You Put Internships on a Resume – Additional Tips

When including your internships in the “Experience” section of your resume, consider the following tips:

  • Use action verbs to describe your responsibilities and achievements.
  • Quantify your accomplishments where possible, such as mentioning the number of projects completed or the percentage of sales increased.
  • Include any relevant certifications or training you received during your internship.
  • If you have multiple internships, list them in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent.

Where Do You Put Internships on a Resume – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Should I include unpaid internships on my resume?
A: Yes, unpaid internships are still valuable experience and should be included on your resume, especially if they are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Q: What if I don’t have any internships to include?
A: If you don’t have any internships to include, focus on highlighting other relevant experience, such as part-time jobs or volunteer work.

Q: Can I include internships from many years ago?
A: Ideally, you should focus on recent internships, as they are more likely to be relevant to your current job search. However, if an older internship is highly relevant or demonstrates important skills, you can include it on your resume.

Q: Should I include internships that are unrelated to the job I am applying for?
A: While it is generally recommended to include relevant internships, there may be cases where a seemingly unrelated internship still provided valuable transferable skills. In such cases, consider including it on your resume and highlighting the skills gained.

Closing Thoughts

Thank you for reading this article on where to put internships on a resume. By including your internships in the “Experience” section and effectively highlighting the skills and responsibilities you gained, you can make a strong impression on potential employers. Remember to organize your resume in a clear and concise manner, using action verbs and quantifiable achievements. Good luck with your job search, and feel free to visit our blog for more career tips!